Show #306

Erin Biglow is in the Bunker!!!  We also have a newish intro.  Hoping Nic will be happy.

Sarah word salad Palin spoke at the Steve King Iowa gathering…and also posed with someone who doesn’t like Michael Moore.

Apparently, former Sec. of State Clinton will have to testify AGAIN on Benghazi…seriously?

The prosecutor  in New Mexcio that brought murder charges against 2 police officers for killing a homeless man is now “targeted” by the police department.  Hmmmmmm.

And a responsible gun owner brought a loaded gun to a grocery store, it dropped and wounded two senior citizens.  Awesome.

Marissa Alexander has been released from prison.  She’s not totally free, but at least she’s out.


Hope you enjoy this week’s installment.

Talk at you later.

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