Show #350

RICK IS BACK!!!!!!  WOOO AND HOOOOOOO!!!!!  Legs did a lot of swearing, so hopefully Jody got all of it bleeped.

As we record today’s show another mass shooting has occurred in San Bernardino, CA.

So far this year, there have been at least 352 mass shooting incidents. There have been 336 days.  Let that sink in.

That’s according to the Mass Shooting Tracker. The project tracks incidents in which four or more people are shot — but not necessarily killed — in a spree or setting.

And last Friday at a Planned Parenthood Center in Colorado Springs a gunman killed 3 people and injured 9 more, prompting another man to try to kill at least one of the survivors over the weekend.

Carly Fiorina blames the liberals for the PP shooting….hmmmm.

Alabama Police have been found to have framed thousands of black residents over the years.

Trump mocks a reporter and then demands that CNN pay him $5 Million to be on the next debate Dec. 15.   Seriously??

And much more!
Hope you enjoy this week’s show.

Jody will be sitting in ALL 3 hours for Stephanie Miller on Friday morning.  Wish her luck.  She’s gonna need it!

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