Show #354

Rick SKYPED in.  Legs and Nic were in the Bunker with Jody.

RIP Meadowlark Lemon and Lemmy.

Rick had some news to share and naturally, Jody disconnected his Skype call and couldn’t get him back, so they tried to do the show without him.   Nic was ill with some sort of food poisoning, so Legs and Jody tried to take advantage of that.  But, then Nic rallied and did tech talk at the end of the show.

Happy New Year to all.

Hope you enjoy this week’s installment.

Talk at you next week.

One Response to Show #354

  1. Avatar Julie Jones
    Julie Jones says:

    I just want to say that I have been worried that Rick was away for so long. As much as I love Sean, I really do love Rick. He’s “new daddy”. I’m so glad he took the brave step of getting help and I wish him the best in his recovery. It’s a shame that our culture isn’t as accepting of men having these types of issues and that causes many men to stay silent or worse yet, take their lives.

    Rick, I love you so much. I will keep you and your recovery in my prayers.