Show #362

David Schockett has returned.  Gonna have to add him to the announcement soon, now that we’ve spelled his last name right.

Bush is out, Trump is winning.  Kasich is no moderate.

There was another mass shooting, and we went on an Uber tangent regarding the shooter.

Conservative David Barton wants to repeal the 19th amendment and apparently, penis peninsula is fine with that.  Jody needs some lady help.

Don’t Google “Rubio is gay”.  Don’t.  Seriously, don’t.  What do you think you are doing?  We told you not to.

And much more!

Hope you enjoy this week’s installment.

Talk at you next week.


One Response to Show #362

  1. Tuesday is the big day in Arkansas! Primary day! I’ve received at least 5 phone calls from Bernie Sanders volunteers, none from anyone else. So I’ve taken some initiative and am taking it upon myself to call the entire state of Arkansas to try and convince them all not to vote for Donald Trump. I know it’s a big goal, but my convictions won’t let me abandon my efforts! TRUMP CANNOT TAKE ARKANSAS. I felt sick when he won South Carolina. You guys don’t know how hard it is to live in conservative Bible-belt USA right now. Nothing but Fox News 24/7 and “Y’all I thank Donald Trump would make a great president!” UGH! Loved the show! I still listen even if I don’t comment! And of course follow you on Twitter! Lotsa love!