Show #375

So, in spite of overwhelming popularity of our potty mouthed show last week, this week, we did “bleep”.  Not as many to worry about and Jody had the time.

Oh, and the Casey Anthony story had not broken when we did the show.  Perhaps we’ll talk about it next week.

Healy, Healy, Healy…..she is so smart.

Spirited discussion about Sanders V  Clinton in national polling against Trump.

We had a guest in the Bunker Richard Sklarsky, he’s been here before.

Should primaries be open?  Jody thinks not.  Others disagreed.  We know, you are shocked.

Nic doesn’t understand how we pass laws in the country, so we are directing him to School House Rock.

We promise to have David’s name included in the opening soon.  Gotta get the boy to do the VO and Jody to edit it in.

And much more!

Hope you enjoy this week’s show.

Talk at you next week.


2 Responses to Show #375

  1. Avatar Ford A. Thaxton
    Ford A. Thaxton says:

    OMG, enough with Rick’s HRC bashing. It’s off in right wing fantasy land