Show #384

Nic and David joined Jody in the Bunker.

Jody mentioned Cordell Garrett, meaning Corey Booker because she was reading her Facebook feed and saw Cordell’s name.  Jody shouldn’t read FB while doing the show.  BAD JODY!    Cordell would make a good VP choice too.  So, shout out to Cordell.

Sanders did what he said he would do at the DNC.  He made good on his promise.

DNC ratings way better than RNC ratings.  How will Trump reconcile that Hillary’s convention is more popular than Trump.

Tim Kaine was named and nominated as Clinton’s running mate.

A Federal Judge has ruled in favor of Elliot Williams’ family.

John Hinkley is going to be released.

And much more!

Hope you enjoy this week’s installment.

Talk at you later.




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