Show #412

Rick and Nic joined Jody in the Bunker, David couldn’t make it.  BUT, we had the lovely Vince DonVito sitting in for him.   His Boxer Rescue website is: .

So, no talk of Flynn or 45.

Talk was about the minimum wage, single payer and….religion.  We are trying to get off that!

And, as many of you are used to, Jody screwed up at the top of the show.  She’s fired, again.

Hope you enjoy this week’s installment.

Talk at you next week.

One Response to Show #412

  1. Jody,
    Please let that DonVito idiot that I work at Target. Tell that idiot, I am 63 and have an I.Q. of 126. I am working at Target because my former employer automated many jobs, not because I did as little work as possible.