Show #648

Legs and Jody were in the Bunker, Legs was not expected, so our special guest, MARY TRUMP (Sorry to yell), was kind enough to share Legs with Jody.

We talked “Foundation”, “Dune”, donald and other things!

Super special thanks to Mary for sitting in and co-hosting with us today.

We are so honored.

Hope you enjoy this week’s installment!

Talk at you next week!

3 Responses to Show #648


  2. Avatar Aboubakar n
    Aboubakar n says:

    Good morning madame

  3. Avatar Jan Begley
    Jan Begley says:

    First time I ever heard her voice. Lol Now, when I read her books & her written interviews I’ll be able to hear her saying it!? Okay, I’m off to B&N to see if they have any of her books in stock & if not to order ’em. Thx for once again doing a great show & doing a fantastic interview!