Show #378

Nic and David joined Jody in the Bunker this week.

Our condolences to all in Orlando, and everywhere else where gun violence happens.

We talked about the murderer and all things related to the crime.

We talked about Trump and answered some comments from last week’s show.

Hope you enjoy this week’s installment.

Talk at you later!

One Response to Show #378

  1. Please please please start time stamping the religion talk in the episode summary, so it can be skipped.

    No t religious in the slightest. Happen to agree with most of the points on religion, but it’s just so repetitive. We know everyone’s position and arguments (mostly repetative, dogmatic, black and white, all or nothing and very un-nuanced). The reasons I can’t stand trump.

    You’ve been having the same conversation for a years and all you do is alienate people in the middle of who support you argument by (one host) being a rude overpowering jerk.

    About to give up on the show.